Parent Educators
Parent educators play a key role in supporting families in Oregon. They need opportunities for professional development, networking and to learn best practices.
- Oregon Parenting Education Network (OrPEN) – The goal of the OrPEN community of professionals is to build and maintain an organization that supports the hard work of Oregon Parenting Educators. It is provided by the Oregon Parenting Education Cooperative (OPEC).
- Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines are for everyone who interacts with children ages 3-6. They cover five areas: approaches to learning, social-emotional development, literacy, mathematics, and language and communication. It is available in four other languages besides English.
- Home Visiting Training Resources from Oregon Health Authority
- Maternal, Infant and Child Health information from
- Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA) provides information and training on infant mental health endorsement
- Professional Development self-study training and Home Visiting Core Competencies from the Oregon Department of Education, Early Learning Division.
- Overcoming Obstacles is a free curriculum with lessons for middle and high school youth. It is for teachers, counselors and others who work with youth. It focuses on the three fundamental skills on which all other skills are built: communication, decision making and goal setting.
- See the Parenting Together Washington County calendar to search for any upcoming Parent Educator workshops.